Founded in 2019 by the dynamic duo Crystal and Ben Sinclair, Crystal Sinclair Designs (CSD) is an intimate yet pioneering full-service interior design firm rooted in New York. Renowned for their inventive approach, they deliver distinctive residential and hospitality design solutions nationwide. The essence of CSD's design philosophy is fluid and adaptable, always prioritizing warmth, functionality, and a soulful vibrancy. Their creations are celebrated for their fearless use of color and harmonious blend of styles, resulting in spaces that are not only visually striking but also exude a sense of fun, eclecticism, and hospitality.



At the heart of Crystal and Ben's work is a deep-seated desire to mirror the individuality of the homeowner, crafting spaces that are not just aesthetically pleasing but are meaningful and welcoming havens for both the occupants and their guests. They are driven by a mission to instill a sense of joy and comfort in their clients, aspiring to forge an emotional resonance within the home that endures over time. Crystal, with her artistic background, approaches design with a unique blend of creativity and artistry, favoring emotional depth and the right balance over strict adherence to design conventions.

Their collaboration style is effortlessly laid-back yet imbued with a profound dedication and enthusiasm for their craft. Crystal Sinclair Designs champions a design ethos centered on innovation, boundary-pushing, continuous evolution, and the pursuit of the unexpected. They advocate for a rich tapestry of textures, depth, and narratives within their spaces, tailoring each project to its unique character and the desires of their clients. "Listening to what a space demands," as Crystal puts it, is crucial to their method, aiming to discover and amplify the intrinsic harmony between the client and their environment, thereby creating a home that is not only cherished but is a source of pride for its owners.

crystal sinclair designs


Good eating – go to Texas! I miss southern food like tex mex, love tacos, grew up on Mexican food and crave it all the time. Although there is a lot of Mexican food here, it doesn’t compare to Texas. One place I want to go Sketch in London – the pink room looks amazing. The proper hotel in Santa Monica is pretty fabulous. 

Favorite food/ restaurant and/or hotel?

Kelly Wearstler is an inspiration. Every designer is an inspiration. Not in every project or in everything you do. Any designer that is creative or thinks outside the box.

What other designers and creators inspire you?

I am working on a project in Irvington, which is a big project. It’s a full project and I like the design direction it is going in. We are doing a lot of the space, really excited to see it come together. Probably beginning mid next year. Picked up an apartment in the upper west side, the whole building is being redone and I am doing the staging for one of the spaces. Love the creative freedom I am going to have there. It’s about what I think feels good about space. Allowing me to be my own client.

What are you most excited about this year ?

It always starts with the client. Getting to know them and their lifestyle. Who’s living there and what they are doing. I want the space to be a sanctuary, but also be useable , so finding all that out is crucial to the design process. Of course we want to create beautiful spaces as well and the client has chosen you because they vibe with your aesthetic, but I have to find out how to get their identity into the space as well.

How have you shifted your business during the pandemic that will remain in your process?

I painted murals all throughout high school, went back to doing that after college, and led into interior design. A client was asking about pillows, paint colors, and snowballed form thereafter. I had done some murals for a residential area. Wanted to study fine arts but my parents wanted me to pursue something that was a steady job.

How did you get started in design or what inspired your career?

I love Lilli Carletta? Her art is very bright and similar to the interiors that I do. Karen Toledano, more abstract, she is fantastic.

Favorite music artist or podcast?

I have a subscription to all the magazines, Elle Décor, AD, when I have time to go through it, it's such a treat. I like Instagram, that’s where I get a lot of my inspiration.

Favorite design book?

BT italia, I do a lot of purchasing online, I do go to showrooms but ill narrow it down online. I do most of the resourcing online. Getting the dimensions tells a lot about how it will feel. I pay attention to the dimensions a lot. 

Favorite showroom(s)?

Daily routines – I am a very routine person, have my coffee every morning, sit down for 30 mins and collect my thoughts in quiet. My favorite routine to get me through the day.

Any daily must-have routines that make you happy ?

Guilty pleasure drink -aperol spritz or mimosa, I am a classic gal!

What's your favorite guilty pleasure and/or drink ?

What is your favorite way to make a space personal?

I like to source some special, more unusual pieces, usually something vintage. It really makes a space more personal and unique!



We are big fans of The Diary of a CEO podcast. As such we love to include a closing tradition for our designer features: asking each of featured guests to leave a question to the next featured designer, not knowing who they are going to leave it for.

The question that was left for Crystal came from Julia MIller at Yond Interiors.

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